Countdown Clock

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pearl Wins Pumpkin Carving Contest

Sioux City, IA (AP) - At midnight on Halloween the annual Bernstein Website Pumpkin Carving Champion was once again announced, and this year the winner was a complete surprise. Four contestants entered this year, in the all ages category, and the unlikely winner was David "The Pearl" Sterling, with his "Fly Sux" entry. Other contestants were Sonia and Liza Lachter, and Leila Bernstein (who entered a pile of squashed pumpkin baby food).

Sterling's entry, pictured above, was challenged by the Lachter girl’s father Eric Lachter, who felt that the judges should have applied a handicap to each participant given their age differences. "Let's face it, Pearl's pumpkin looks like it was carved by a 4 year old," said Lachter. "Did he use a spatula to cut that thing? It's obviously rigged." Lachter's accusation was directed at Dave Bernstein, his brother-in-law, who was the sole judge of the event. Bernstein rebuffed, "It's all about the message...and Sterling's message was a very positive, uplifting one that could help propel humanity towards World peace." He continued, "Does Lachter honestly think pumpkin's that say 'my Daddy is cool' and 'Daddy is my hero' are really award winning?"

Sterling could not be reached for comment, as he was at McDonalds enjoying his prize of a happy meal. Sonia and Liza Lachter did respond to requests for a statement simply by stating "Pearl's pumpkin SUX!"