Countdown Clock

Monday, September 29, 2008

Gail Chased By Horny Buffalo

Yellowstone National Park (AP) - Late Friday during a routine visit to Yellowstone National Park, Gail Bernstein and her entourage were nearly attacked by two horny buffalo, apparently fighting each other for supremacy of the herd. Accounts of the incident are still sketchy at this time but sources indicate that a small group of tourists including the Bernstein entourage were watching a small herd of buffalo, in the midst of mating season. Part of the herd was on one side of the road and part on the other (a red flag in any scouting book I may add) and two males were periodically fighting, apparently trying to determine "who was up to bat next".

Footage below, taken by Bernstein Blog Cameraman Ben Bernstein, shows what ensued. The two buffalo, irritated that people were going to watch them "get down to bidness" turned and charged the crowd. As the cameraman ran, you can hear him yelling at Gail to get up. Apparently Gail had fallen in the attempt to run away, as she was preoccupied trying to run and knit at the same time. Details are unclear, but witnesses report that Jack Bernstein actually fell on top of Gail, presumably to protect her. An interview with Jack last night indicated that Jack was not clear why he fell but thinks it was partly out of instinct to protect Gail, and partly because he may have tripped over her. He postulated that it could have been a survival instinct much like the Buffalo's reaction. "If something happened to Gail and she was in the hospital recovering in Montana, what would I do for dinner, they don't have Jerry's Pizza out here."

In the end all appeared to turn out ok as Gail is seen on her feet smiling in the closing seconds of the footage. The buffalo, off camera, also came to an amicable agreement and decided to just "share" the remaining female buffalo. Our cameraman said at press time that it was still unclear whether "share" meant they would divide the remaining female herd in 2, or just take turns, but he would investigate further.

Cause for the initial stampede is still unclear, but some sources suspect that the strong smell of a vegen Clif Bar in Ben's backpack may have excited the animals, as the smell of vegen Clif Bars smells very similar to buffalo pheromones.

(written by Dave Bernstein, with contributions from Ben Bernstein in the field)

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